Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Duchess of Boredom

I don't know if anyone has seen the movie "Duchess" Keira Knightley plays the Duchess. Its based on a true story about Georgiana duchess of Devonshire. That movie either makes me want to cry every time I watch it, or it does make me cry when I watch it depending on what time of the month it is. [ haha!] She can't birth a son, and the Duke is demanding one. She falls in love, births a daughter to the love of her life. Forced by the Duke she is to give up the child. The Duke throughout their marriage has countless affairs. There is a ton more to the movie. But it's a great movie. And very sad. Lots of sex.. about a minute of girl on girl touching. So.. Kids shouldn't be allowed to see or hear the movie playing. Haven't seen it yet? Go to Blockbuster. Or whatever the latest movie renting place is. I don't think red box does old movies? Its about 2 or 3 years old? I'm not 100 percent sure.

Anyways.. that's what my day consisted of. Movies, Taking pictures, hunting down food, spraying febreze and lighting a scented candle to make it smell nice in the house. It really does make the house seem cleaner without having to do anything.. ;)   even though I'm gonna end up vacuuming as I always do so..

And a few hours later..

I'm sitting on the computer at 1:11 in the morning, listening to Brandon and my older brother talk over xbox. Just blogging away. I hate finding blogs about adoptions and the struggles all these woman are having with pregnancy, and about all that. I get paranoid that when I get older that will be me :(  Don't get me wrong, I don't want kids anytime soon, but I do want them eventually. I think every girl thinks about that at some point in their life? No? Maybe its just me? haha . I'm so weird. Anyways, I hate when I get on Facebook, just lounging around watching videos and stuff and BING . Facebook chat with someone I completely don't want to talk to. Its always friends from school, who I have nothing in common with anymore. They always brag about how their high or drunk at the moment. Really? Your typing correctly.. so you must not be drunk. Your high? Well, I really don't care and don't care too much to talk to you. Goodbye..

I need to get rid of all of my clothes. They are everywhere! The closet in the living room has some of my shirts, the closet in my bedroom the poor rack looks like it will break any second and then the trunk... Ohhhh... my poor, poor trunk of clothes. Literally, and I mean literally! busting at the sides so full of clothes! I try giving them away if they don't fit or if  I know I'll never wear them. But some clothes, I just love. Even if they don't fit, or they don't fit and I hope to fit into them again after I lose this "Freshmen 15" ahahha. And the worst excuse I have for them right now? " But, what if I grow into liking this, I mean I did at some point.. maybe again?" Its terrible. But I really do love ALL of my clothes. I have a pair of black heels that I'm completely in love with.. But, I never go anywhere appropriate to wear them. Everytime we've gone to dinner.. its raining and I don't want to mess them up. 

Completely different subject. But this post is being written over the course of a few days.. :)

I love my family. I really do. I just constantly 100 percent ALWAYS feel like I am under a magnifying glass! My brother John talks so much shit about EVERYONE in the family. But hes a heavy drinker and just all around an asshole. He once went to the MVA and yelled at a lady and my dad took him back and got the same lady! She mentioned to dad that his son wasnt " the nicest person" and dad agreed and made John apologize. Hes 26 years old! Then theirs my mom, who lets face it. She can't decide whether she wants to make fun of me for being thin, or wants to laugh because I gained weight. Or, trying to help me lie for her, or uses me without me knowing in one of her lies, wants to complain that this guy is all wrong for her and says hurtful things to her, but when I try to say something to them, she flips out on ME. Then my dad who is the worst about it than anyone else.. He constantly reminds me of things I've done that I guess is a "disappointment" in his eyes? Hes always got his infamous comments! "Smoking is stupid" " Drugs are horrible" " Your just like your mother" " Why don't you go back to school" . Smoking IS stupid, but so is speeding. [ which hes good at.] Drugs ARE horrible! But back in the day, he was the biggest drug abuser the whole family knew apparently. I am like my mother, why? Because shes my um.. what? MOTHER. Don't tell me I'm this horrible stupid person for dropping out, But a few months after I do, you suggest I get tested for ADD/ADHD. [ He was serious] A little late aren't we? I just hate feeling like Jaime is perfect. Jarrod does no wrong. But, it pushes me to better myself just so in the end I can be like fuck you. I look at their "disappointments" as my learnings. :) 

Those random, really, really loud planes. Its about 2:35 in the morning here now.. And I just heard one go over the house. It definitely was NOT an airline airplane. A few weeks ago, I was outside smoking and 3 fighter jets came flying over the house. Number one, I don't like that. It makes me paranoid that something is happening and the government is keeping it to themselves because they don't want a panic. It scares the hell out of me. So, of course I was on the other side of the house when I heard this plane go over the house, and I immediately stopped what I was doing and RAN to the bedroom freaking out. If you ever ask Brandon, I will tear up sometimes just talking about 2012. I think it is the movies that did it for me. I mean, I really, really believe something is going to happen and wipe out half the population. I'm a nervous wreck just writing about it right now. New subject...

Charlie Sheen: I love him as an actor. In fact, he's always kinda been one of my favorites. And lately he's been going " downhill" or becoming " crazy and drug addicted". I don't think so. I think he's tried of people screwing him over, and people not paying him for things he should get paid for. And yeah, 98 percent of all famous people. Do drugs! Even the "good" ones. Miley Cyrus couldn't even clear her bong! But she still had her mouth on it, inhaling it. I love his new Ustream. It's him FINALLY being able to NOT act. NOT try to be some fake person in the "peoples" eyes. He just wants to be him! And if he likes hookers, strippers, prostitutes. Whatever! Hes not cheating. He's not tiger woods. [ I think I just realized his nickname for "tigerblood" though.. ahaha!] If they give you the company you like. Do it! You have the money. I think he needs a REAL friend. Not someone who's being paid to be nice to him so they don't lose their job. 
Just a little thought. <3

Anyways, I'm done my rant. Here's a little positivity. =)
It is almost Spring flowers time!

I found these little suckers growing in my front yard today! Soooo excited!

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